SIRG, Inc.

Strong Individuals Reaching Goals

Is to assist and provide resources to vulnerable individuals that will help them to adapt to society and become self-sufficient/empowered while learning to set and reach their goals.

Poverty, illness and a lack of strong social support not only jeopardize a person’s future but all too often their lives.  

  • Parenting

    SIRG provides parenting information on subjects such as safety, discipline and how to help your child with homework. SIRG also instructs parents about the importance of reading to children.  SIRG gives books to children annually.  SIRG teaches parents that that the road to success begins with reading.

  • Youth Development

    SIRG works to engage teens and young adults with volunteer/employment opportunities. SIRG recruits teens from various high schools in Dallas County and invites them to participate as volunteers for community events and work in our restaurant.

  • SFSP Meals

    The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. This summer, USDA plans to serve more than 200 million free meals to children 18 years and under at approved SFSP sites.  SIRG is a sponsor that helps provide meals in the Dallas/Desoto Texas area.  Help us ensure that no child goes hungry this summer.

    School’s Out

    POWERUP for

    Summer Fun !

    Did you know there are free activities

    and meals available in your community

    for your kids and teens this summer?

    No cost or enrollment required.

    Open to all children under 18.